Fitting In

Friday Fictioneers – Write a 100-word story based on the Photo Prompt image above by  © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Fitting In

Emma looked quizzically at the woman. There were all kinds of people, she reminded herself. Some people are just on a different wavelength or medication that alters the rational mind.   Her curiosity was growing. She answered carefully.

“A disco? It’s a place to dance, strobing lights and loud music.”

The woman responded with a shrug and lost eyes.

Emma saw a cry for help, “Do you have time for coffee? My shout.”

“Yes, I think so.”

“Great. I’m Emma.”

“I am Isobel.”

Isobel gave a scant explanation of her situation, leaving Emma absolutely gobsmacked.

“We need to find you some clothes so you fit in.” She winked.

This is Part Two of Dale’s previous ‘Dance’ photo prompt with Emma out for a walk when she meets a woman who arouses much curiosity. This week’s photo prompt from Rochelle fits nicely for a sequel. There are many ways this story can go, it’ll be fun finding out!

Thanks for reading

22 thoughts on “Fitting In

    1. Thank you, Keith, I’m looking forward to where it’ll go, too! I’m a tad obsessed with wormholes and time hopping…I’m an avid fan of Outlander, Dr Who…so time travel tries to work its way into the theme somehow, where appropriate 🙂


    1. Yes that’s right. I’m waiting for another suitable prompt to cover Isabel’s amazenent in the cafe, then going shopping. And getting out if that dress will be a challenge. I wonder what the shop staff are thinking? And is Isabel’s intended hot on her heels? Can’t wait to play with this! Thanks for your comment 🙂

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    1. Well that’s it…Emma doesn’t know what she has got herself into, and Isabel is wearing an elaborate medieval dress which Emma gushed over. Maybe Emma will try it on? Thank you, Linda 🙂


    1. Thank you 🙂
      💯 It gives both Emma and Isobel time to take the situation in. And in these times, helping someone in need with a coffee and much needed chat, and no one would take too much notice of a woman in a medieval dress…they’d just think she was one of the local group out for a coffee…didnt have time to unlace and escape from the corset…😉 I’m so looking forward to expanding on this story 🙂


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